Ophthalmologist Recommended Tips For Relieving Dry Eyes (Part One)

Dry Eyes Disrupt Your Life And Can Be Extremely Frustrating To Manage — Find Solutions For Your Dry Eyes Today!

Dry eyes can be both temporary and chronic, but they really begin to affect your quality of life when the symptoms just don’t seem to resolve on their own. You’re left with irritated, gritty, and itchy eyes that make it hard to focus. 

If you’re facing chronic dry eyes, the great news is there are many solutions that bring relief. At Long Island Ophthalmic Concepts, we’re here as not only eye doctors but also as a resource to help treat and manage your dry eyes. Follow along in today’s blog and start tacking your dry eyes today!

Ophthalmologist Recommended Tips For Combating Dry Eyes

There are a myriad of ways to combat dry eyes and some you can even do in the comfort in your own home! Let’s venture into them below!

Treating Dry Eyes At Home

Our schedules are busy and sometimes it’s difficult to put your life on hold or find an appointment time that nestles in just right, and with dry eyes, you may need relief now! 

Supplement With Omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty eyes are hydrating to parched peepers! They help support the symptoms of dry eyes by reducing the inflammation in your body. Try taking a high-quality fish oil supplement or add salmon or tuna into your diet each week. 

Hold A Wet Compress Over Your Eyes.

Add instant moisture by calming your eyes with a wet compress, either warm or cold works. Hold the compress over your eyes for at least five minutes, but for extra relief, hold it longer. 

Stay Hydrated 

If you’re hydrated internally it can really help with dry eyes, so drink your water! It’s also important to look at other factors such as your caffeine and alcohol intake — which can dry eyes — and lifestyle factors such as smoking. Drinking more water and changing a few habits may be the solution you’re looking for!

Treating Dry Eyes At The Office

One of the biggest risk factors for dry eyes is staring at a computer for eight hours a day, and realistically, most of us do this! To help soothe your eyes at the office, consider the following:

Take A Lutein Eye Supplement. 

Lutein is not only blocks blue light which can contribute to dry eyes, but it’s an antioxidant that helps quell inflammation. 

Wear Blue-Light Blocking Glasses.

Blue light blocking computer glasses are the standard for dry eyes if you work in an office. They help prevent eye fatigue, thus supporting the effects of dry eyes. 

Take Breaks.

Give your eyes a break by getting outside or even just taking a stroll around the office. It’s also important to use your distance vision and stare at something 20 feet away. Learn more about the 20-20-20 eye rule.   

When it comes to treating dry eyes, there are many things you can do on your own at home or in the office. But is it enough? If you’re looking for more support for dry eyes, stay tuned for part two. 

Get Into Our Eye Clinic And Schedule An Appointment Today! 

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