Is Your Vision The Missing Piece To An Improved Athletic Performance? (Part Two)

Visual Skills Support Your Eye Health As An Athlete — Get More Of Them Here Today!

In part one, we began our exploration of visual skills and how visual acuity, hand-eye-body movement, eye tracking, visual concentration and more give us a competitive advantage as athletes and fitness enthusiasts!

Ready to up your game and improve your athletic performance?

Partner with Long Island Ophthalmic Concepts for an eye clinic that provides the basics such as eye exams and contact lenses to eye supplements and cataract surgery. Sharpen your visual skills with us and learn more about them today!

Visual Skills To Improve Your Performance

Your vision is directly and intimately tied to your vision, as you’ll find out below!


This is more of a cognitive tool people use to envision the play they’re about to make or how they’re going to perform their next lift — it’s using your imagination and your mind’s eye to see an object, outcome, or action to help you realize it.

It’s envisioning the movements you need to make your next 3-pointer or seeing yourself running the fastest mile of your sports career!

You can also use this when you’re actively playing a sport — it’s seeing yourself perform well and then striking the soccer ball and scoring goal.

Depth Perception

This is the ability to determine the relative distance of an object in your visual field — how far a person or object is from you.

In sports, it’s a crucial visual skill to have because it provides valuable information such as the distance between your opponents, the ball, your teammates, and any boundaries.

Not judging accurately or having impaired depth perception can mean the difference between fouling in basketball, not making the catch, or injuring yourself because you thought a rock on the trail was further ahead.

Color Vision

Many people are color blind, which can make playing sports a bit more difficult, however, being able to identify color has its advantages.

The ability to see different shades of color can make the difference in passing the ball to your teammate, or accidentally turning it over to the other team.

Visual Reaction Time

Your visual reaction time is how your brain processes and reacts to an event or action. Most sports demand a prompt reaction time, and if it isn’t there, mistakes are made and games are lost.

If you don’t swing and release the ball in bowling, you risk not rolling it down the lane for a strike, or not quickly throwing a baseball to third will cost you an out.  

The case for good eyesight is so relevant in sports and fitness because visual skills are largely called upon. If your eyesight is poor, and anything less than 20/20, it may impact your performance.

What is 20/20 vision anyway?

20/20 vision is when an individual can see clearly in front of them 20 feet away. So, can you see 20 feet in front of you? If you’re unclear, you need a routine eye exam today!

Elevate and improve your athletic performance with 20/20 vision and book an appointment with us today.

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